Oh no another one started! I just cant help myself. This one has been staring at the me from the stash for a while and I could not resist it anymore.
As per usual the build starts with the cockpit, which is very detailed and went together very well....
It was very simple to paint as most of it is painted Vallejo Model Air 53 Dark Sea Green. This was then lightened and sprayed from the top to create highlights and shadows. Next details were picked out with and a black oil wash applied. I wanted to give it a slightly warn look so I added a few chips by dipping a bit of wire wool in silver and dabbing it on in high wear places. To finish off the cockpit and tie it all together I used some pigments again in high wear areas.
Next the wings and things which all went together well apart from the wing root which left a little gap but nothing to hard to fix.
All the main bits are added, a quick coat of primer, I usually do this before filling and sanding gaps so I can see whats what. After a coat of primer I used a gold pen to highlight any flaws and anything that needs attention. As you can see in the picture nearly all the joints need some sort of work ....
With all that sorted the first colour was added RLM 02, Vallejo Model Air 44. This seems to be a very unusal scheme with RLM 02 all over with RLM ? on top.
Next up will be the decals......
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